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Understanding gear ratios is something that is usually taught very early in the piece for a new track cyclist. Gearing plays a significant role in race and training performance and it’s every...
A little while ago we walked a young talented rider to the start line of a big event and this particular athlete (exceptional and by far the quickest and most tactful rider to contest the event)...
Biomechanics, physics and maths are all the numeric elements of track cycling suit my interests completely. Gears are fixed and wheels are the same diameter, give or take a few millimetres in tyre...
Most of us have a road bike in addition to our track bikes and will head out on the road for different types of training rides to assist with our track cycling development.
The road bike is...
With the evolution of science and technology and as the ever-increasing number of training tools creep their way into our cycling training lives, many forget about some of the basics such as...
If you’re familiar with the start line then it’s likely you’ll be all too familiar with the emotional highs and lows of competing and the mental energy it takes to wind down...